
ResuméFrescoe´sEncausticsArt WorksMuralsCanvas3 PhasesSacred ArtIconsStained Glasses


Last update at
may 2011




The origin of the word Icone is very ancient, comes from the Greek, and means 'a sacred image.' The first icons were painted in the fourth century. The Bible tells us about the first icon in human history: God took some clay (Adama) and made the image of a man.

The first image created by God was Adam. He was the first icon of God, a human being made at the same shape an image of God. The first thing Adam did was to give name to the animals. All icons are named. The first icons in art history were named in Greek. 





Prata studied Icons at the Atelier d´Iconographie Saint Luc of Paris, with Hélène Iankoff.

He also went to Mount Athos, in Greece, in that research.

See also: ícones

Enciclopédia Prata´s Art Studio - Brazil - Tel: 55 11 4035-2057 - Mobile 55 11 99597-0275 - e-mail: artista@sergioprata.com.br